Idaho National Laboratory
- Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is one of 17 U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories. The laboratory performs work in energy, national security, science and environment. It is the United States’ leading center for nuclear energy research and development
- INL joined Equal by 30 in March 2020
- INL is headquartered in Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
- Learn more about INL
INL performs regular pay equity assessments and allows flexible working hours and telecommuting arrangements that help to support family-related responsibilities.
In addition, INL is prepared to make the following commitments:
- Hold leaders throughout the laboratory accountable for inclusive diversity hiring practices by training all hiring managers on best practices, providing clear guidelines, and tracking metrics and progress.
- Actively support parental leave, telework and flexible work time for staff by educating managers on INL’s policies and encouraging them to utilize telecommuting when appropriate.
- Continue to conduct laboratory-wide unconscious bias and inclusive leadership training to increase psychological safety and build trust.
- Monitor INL’s inclusive culture via the biennial Employee Engagement, Leadership and Safety Culture Survey, and develop action plans for a path forward based on survey results.
- Continue to support the Idaho Women in Nuclear (IWIN) chapter of U.S. Women in Nuclear.