Creating a sustainable, innovative and diverse future will depend on our ability to harness all possible talent in service of the breakthrough ideas, technologies, and solutions that will transform our world. Sharing the stories, data, and experiences related to moving the dial for women within the sector is an important step in seeing how far we've come, but also how far we still have to go.

The Equal by 30 Reporting Framework – Extended Report (PDF, 7.8 MB)

The Equal by 30 Reporting Framework (PDF, 663 KB)

Status report on gender equality in the energy sector (PDF, 7.5 MB)
The first important step to change is having a solid understanding of the current landscape. At present, there is limited gender-disaggregated data regarding the energy sector and inadequate knowledge about how to make the sector more gender balanced. It is critical for countries and organizations to join efforts to improve systematic data collection in order to understand trends and identify actions aimed at increasing women's presence and participation in the energy sector.

Equal by 30 Signatory Stories - Balance Means Business (PDF, 2.5 MB)
The Equal by 30 campaign asks companies and governments to endorse principles of equal pay, equal leadership and equal opportunities, and to take concrete action to close the gender gap in the clean energy sector.
Empowering and increasing the representation of women in the energy sector is essential in the transformation to a clean energy economy. Growing evidence demonstrates that gender diversity increases profits and generates efficiencies. For Equal by 30 signatories, gender balance is serious business.