• MÜKAD (Association of Women Engineers & Architects) is encouraging Turkish women to choose the profession of engineering and architect through various activities. MÜKAD informs about innovations in engineering and architecture disciplines and contributes to its development within Turkey.
  • MÜKAD joined Equal by 30 in March 2021.
  • MÜKAD is headquartered in Ankara, Turkey
  • Learn more about MÜKAD


MÜKAD endorses the Equal by 30 Campaign principles on equal pay, equal leadership and equal opportunities for women in the clean energy sector by 2030 and commits to the below actions:

  • MÜKAD will work to raise awareness for more women to take part in renewable energy sector and organize encouraging and informative activities.
  • MÜKAD will organize free trainings on renewable energy, which will benefit women engineers.
  • In order to increase the Equalby30 Campaign supporters within Turkey, MÜKAD will provide information and raise awareness about the campaign and its principles to the companies and government agencies that we’re in contact with.
  • MÜKAD is organizing virtual events about renewable energy mutually with WiRE, and hosting prominent women who are working in renewable energy field to share their own experiences.
  • MÜKAD is a supporter of ZeroBuild in Turkey since 2020, and will continue supporting it in the future. We raise awareness by including our student members (who are interested) to ZeroBuild university activity group in Turkey.